Service Alert
Introduction to Collection Development Policy
Policy # 2.0
Effective 6/01/17
The shelves in the Rockingham County Public Library hold a broad spectrum of titles containing ideas as diverse as the world in which we live. The Rockingham County Public Library System Materials Selection Policy explains how and why items are included in the library's collection. The policies, criteria, interpretations and forms are geared to help the staff understand the basis for selection decisions. Also, the policies will assist the staff in working with the citizens of Rockingham County who have questions or concerns about materials in the library.
The intent is to help the staff at the local library respond in an informed and professional manner to issues about selection. The best and most usual forum for responding to the public is at the local library level.
While we always want to be responsive to the public, it is important to understand that concerns about materials in the library call into question selection decisions that have already been made. The process of registering complaints is designed to make sure the selection is appropriate.
Public libraries preserve and enhance the peoples' right to a broader range of ideas than those held by any librarian, publisher or government. On occasion, there can be diverse opinions by individuals or groups as to what is acceptable or appropriate for the collection. Conversely, library collections are not limited to only those ideas and information one person or group believes to be true, good and proper. We believe that our collections should represent a wide spectrum of ideas and information.
The Policies and Procedures that are outlined in this section only pertain to the materials owned by the Rockingham County Public Library. As a member of NC-Cardinal, a consortium of North Carolina libraries, we do not have any responsibility or control over the collections owned by other library systems.
Rockingham County citizens who initiate comments or complaints should receive copies of the ALA Bill of Rights, Intellectual Freedom Policy and Rockingham County Public Library Materials Selection Policy along with the Citizen Comment Form. Staff should go over these materials with the patron. All comments or complaints will receive the full attention of the Director of the Library and the Branch Managers of the Rockingham County Public Library. Patrons also have the ability to request that their issue be placed before the Board of the Rockingham County Public Library
Collection Development Policy
Policy # 2.1
Effective 6/01/17
Library materials selection is vested in the Director of Rockingham County Public Library and, under the Director's direction, such members of the professional staff who are qualified by reason of education and training.
Selection of materials of all types is based upon the "Mission Statement of the Rockingham County Public Library". Other supporting documents that are important in the selection process are: "ALA Library Bill of Rights", “ALA Freedom to Read Statement" and” Free Access to Libraries for Minors".
Material, which meets Rockingham County Public Library selection criteria, shall not be excluded because of race, nationality, religion or the political or social views of the author. Library materials will not be sequestered except for the express purpose of protecting them from damage or theft.
The Rockingham County Public Library believes that while anyone is free to reject for himself/herself library materials of which he or she does not approve, the individual cannot restrict the freedom of others to read, view, or hear. Parents or legal guardians have the responsibility to guide and direct the reading, viewing, or listening of their own minor children. The library does not take the place of the parent or legal guardian.