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Rockingham County Public Library - Policies and Procedures

This guide was created to give an overview of all the policies and procedures of the Rockingham County Public Library. You will find a description of each policy or procedure and also an attached document that you can download to your computer.

6.1 Equipment Use Policy

Equipment Use Policy
Policy # 6.1
Effective 10/01/17

The Libraries have copiers, fax machines, and microfilm readers/printers available in the Library for patron usage.  The Stoneville Library does not have a microfilm reader/printer.

  • The Library is not responsible for errors made by the patrons.
  • If a patron copies, faxes or prints the wrong item they are still responsible for any charges.
  • Library staff may be of assistance in using the devices.
  • Users are responsible for all copyright infringements.
  • All charges are established by the County Commissioners.
  • Patrons may provide their own paper for copies/prints, but the Library is not responsible for messed up copies/prints.
  • Legal documents, i.e. must be copied in black and white.

6.1 Equipment Use Procedure

Equipment Use Procedure
Policy # 6.1
Effective 10/01/17
Revised 3/21/18

FAX machines are all the Library branches. The numbers are:

Office 336-623-1258
Tech Services 336-623-4835
Eden 336-623-1171
Madison 336-548-2010
Reidsville 336-342-4824
Stoneville 336-573-2774

Library staff will copy all legal documents in black and white.
All patron computers and equipment shall be shutdown 15 minutes prior to closing. This will allow the staff adequate time to close the library and verify that no one is still in the facility.
Library staff will assist patrons with faxing, copying, printing, and collect any funds due.

§ 20-30. Violations of license, learner's permit, or special identification card provisions.

(6) To make a color photocopy or otherwise  make a color reproduction  of a drivers license, learner's permit, or special  identification card which has  been color-photocopied or otherwise reproduced in color, unless such color photocopy or other color reproduction was authorized by the Commissioner. It shall be lawful to make a black and white photocopy of a drivers license, learner's permit, or special identification card or otherwise make a black and white reproduction of a drivers license, learner's permit, or special identification card.
