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Rockingham County Library Business Resources

About This Guide

This guide was created to help local businesses use the Rockingham County Libraries. 

To gain access to many of our electronic resources you will need a library card. Sign up for a library card at your local library! To receive a card you must fill out a short application form, show proof of your current address, and a picture ID. You can print out a library card application form, fill it out, and turn it in at any library location.

Many of our business databases you can access with your library card are made available through NCLIVE, a cooperative library service for the students, faculty, business people, and residents of North Carolina. To access NCLIVE click on the link on our library website or go to

A few of the electronic business resources may require you to set up an account with a username and password. If you need help with this contact your local library by calling:
Eden Library: 336-623-3168
Reidsville Library: 336-349-8476
Madison-Mayodan Library: 336-548-6553
Stoneville Library: 336-573-9040
Outreach/Bookmobile: 336-627-3729

Business Reference

Market Research

Demographic Information

Regional Accounts Data - Local Area Personal Income

  • Personal income and population summary estimates, detailed county annual tables of income and employment, wage and salary summary estimates.


  • Web-based mapping application that lets you create professional-quality maps and reports using demographic, business, and marketing data.

Career/Educational Resources
