Service Alert
The Friends of the Eden Public Library is a nonprofit organization established in 1981.
The purposed of the Friends of the Library is to establish closer relations between the Eden Public Library and the people it serves; to promote informed interest in it's functions, resources, services, and needs; to confer with the Library Board of Trustees and the staff of the Library on matters relating to the welfare of the Institution; to stimulate gifts and endowments to the Library; and to support the development of a program for the extension and improvement of the Library services and resources.
Do you have any questions about the Eden Friends of the Library?
Would you like to volunteer at one of our upcoming events?
Email us at
Membership to the Eden Friends of the Library must be renewed on an annual basis.
Membership dues:
Student $5
Senior (65 & over) $5
Adult $10
Family $25
Special Friends $50
Patron/Business $100
Benefactor, Life Member (Individuals/Family) $500
Are you interested in becoming a more active member of the Friends of the Eden Library? Consider joining our Friends of the Eden Library Board. The Friends of the Eden Library Board meets once a month on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m. If you'd like to join the Friends Board contact Rebecca Smith at and/or stop by the next Friends of the Library meeting and introduce yourself.
The Friends of the Eden Library now has a year round book sale for books and other donated materials. Prices range from $.25 for bargain books to to $3.00 for hardbacks.
The book sale section is located near Reference. Sale items can be purchased during library hours using cash, check or a credit card.