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Outreach Services

Circulation of Library Materials


Outreach materials are generally checked out for about four weeks; or until the next time we return to the stop. There are no late fees charged for Outreach materials.  However, fines will be applied if a book is damaged, missing, or never returned. 

Patrons with outstanding fines of $5.00 or more are not allowed to check out library materials.



Customers are required to pay for damaged and lost library materials.  Patrons may replace items they have lost or damaged with an exact duplicate (former and title) in lieu of payment for material.  Replacement must be new.  Audio Books may not be replaced.  When a customer pays for a damaged item the customer then owns the item and may keep it.



Patrons may make a "claims returned" statement when they feel confident they returned library materials but the materials cannot be found on the library shelves.  A patron may "claims return" a maximum of 5 items.

Filing a "Claims Returned" request will waive all overdue fines or bills owed for those items; unless the patron files the claim after the item has been sent to collections.  In this case the patron will still be responsible for the service charge instigated by the collection agency.

Both the patron and library staff should diligently search the respective premises prior to the claim being entered into the patron's record.  If, after the claim has been recorded on the patron's record, the library finds the materials, the claims returned details are removed from the patron's record; however the number of items claimed remains.